Invisible Dream Caravan Collective

Multidisciplinary Artists and Writers

Invisible Dream Caravan Collective is Sacha Ouellet, Gem Hall & Venus Noirre. Our creative & cultural work is part of the connective tissue that ties us together. We resist compulsory colonial religion & frameworks imposed upon us. Instead, we seek to break apart what the origin of the word religion means – to re-tie. We recreate & re-tie our collective liberation through our shared visions and common sense – just as the word ligament also means to tie – bone to bone. We challenge the concept of sanity & embrace mad ways of knowing & disabled ways of existing. We create spaces that honour our collective grief & joy. We write our own history books & share the aspects of what we want our cultures to be known for before & after the death of colonialism. We are the end-of-life caregivers of the systems that do not serve us. We are interwoven with the magic of our traditional teachings, intuitive wisdom, lineages of wise people, truth speaking, people who work with plants & animal medicines, dream work and visions, and a rich tapestry of gifts related to art, craft, music, dance, poetry, archetypes, folklore and symbolism that is represented in our work.