Gurminit Singh


Gurnimit Singh is a 3rd generation Kirtan singer born and brought up in Chandigarh India and is now currently offering to the community in Vancouver Canada virtually and in person.

Gurnimit Singh started his student journey with learning Tabla (drums) at the age of 8 years and by the age of 9 years he started taking vocal, harmonium & kirtan lessons from Professor Jabarjang Singh, head of music department in Patiala University. By the age of 10, Gurnimit Singh had started offering regular Kirtan Ceremonies to the community in big festivals under the supervision of his father Bhupinder Singh and teachers. At the age of 14 Gurnimit Singh started learning intense Indian classical vocals from Pandit Yashpaul, lineage holder of the Agra Gharana until the age. While receiving intense training from lineage holder teachers Gurnimit Singh also started intense studies of Scriptures and Ceremonies as part of the Kirtan family tradition. As a curious student, Gurnimit dived deep into the practice of Kundalini Yoga and is a certified Level 2 Kundalini yoga instructor.