Trout Lake Park

Visit Website
2120 E 19th Ave Vancouver, BC V5N 2J5


The nearest bus stops are the 20 Victoria at Commercial Dr and E 14th Ave (650 meters away from the park) and the 7 Nanaimo at Nanaimo St and Franklin St (750 meters away from the park).


There are two free parking lots, one by Trout Lake Community Centre and the other is at the southeast of the park nearest to the festival location.


Pathways leading from the parking lots towards the performance area are gravel and wide. The grass area by the pathway leading to the performance area is bumpy and hard to navigate at some places. We will signal the safest, flattest parts of the grass to avoid wheelchair damage and injury.


There are gendered washrooms with wide stalls by the concession stand near the festival area. More accessible washrooms are located inside the Trout Lake Community Centre. The wheelchair accessible stalls are located at the far end of the washroom, with roughly a 3ft wide doorway and 5ft-by-5ft stall.